When I was first introduced to the idea of keeping a sketchbook years ago in a college art class I was skeptical. After much procrastination I started one just for the sake of passing the course. Then I set it aside and kept painting.
Several more years passed, and one day I wanted to make a field trip to a local nature preserve that happened to have both living and preserved plants and animals at the center. Setting up to paint in that place was not practical so I took a sketchbook. What fun I had! What details I noted and remembered because of that sketching expedition! I was hooked.
I now find myself drawing pine cones, shoes, characters directly from television during the show I am watching, cats, people, imaginary doodles, copies of masterpieces. The list goes on. I use pen, pencil, Sharpies, crayons, watercolor, charcoal....
I go through my old sketchbooks for ideas and to jolt my memory of things past. They are all valuable.
Keeping a sketchbook allows freedom to ramble, day dream, flow, think, remember, grow.
Everyone should keep a sketchbook..
All images copyright of Mona Vivar 2013.